The Sentinel (Old Version) Logo

The Sentinel (Old Version) review

4.2 / 5


Studio Skeleton


1400 MB available space is not an official representative or the developer of this application. Copyrighted materials belong to their respective owners

The Sentinel (Old Version) Review

The Sentinel (Old Version) is an application by Studio Skeleton. The Sentinel (Old Version) was first published on . The Sentinel (Old Version) is currently available for Steam.

The Sentinel is a story game featuring horror and thriller. Your goal is to survive the wild conditions of the locals on this island, where you unwittingly fall. But it seems that it will make things a little difficult for you to be schizophrenic.

The Sentinel (Old Version)

4.2 / 5

The Sentinel (Old Version) Logo
Author: Studio Skeleton
Size: 1400 MB available space

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.